Le site web de référence du Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique !
✨ Bonne année 2025 ! ✨
1 - A plane flies because the air flows around : Explication ⚠️
A- the fuselage
B- the landing gear
C- the wings
D- the engine
2 - The rudders controls : Explication ⚠️
A- the pitch axis
B- the roll axis
C- the yaw axis
D- the horizontal axis
3 - The angle between the direction a airplane is pointing (the heading) and the direction in which it is travelling over the ground (its ground track) is called : Explication ⚠️
A- the lift angle
B- the deviation
C- the drift angle
D- the tri angle
4 - Which combinaison is the good one : Explication ⚠️
A- 1 : ailerons ; 2 : elevators ; 3 : rudder ; 4 : flaps
B- 1 : elevators ; 2 : rudder ; 3 : flaps ; 4 : ailerons
C- 1 : rudder ; 2 : flaps ; 3 : ailerons ; 4 : elevators
D- 1 : elevators ; 2 : rudder ; 3 : flaps ; 4 : ailerons
5 - The elevator is : Explication ⚠️
A- the moving part of the vertical fin (or tail)
B- the horizontal empennage
C- the moving part of the horizontal empennage
D- the moving part of a flap
6 - Navigation lights are : Explication ⚠️
A- red on the left wing, green on the right wing and white at the rear of the plane
B- white on the left wing, green on the right wing and white at the rear end
C- green on the left wing, red on the right wing, blue at the rear end
D- blue on the left wing, red on the right wing and white at the rear end
7 - Which description of the wind is the good one ? Explication ⚠️
A- wind from 315° 31 kts
B- wind from 135° 61 km/h
C- wind from North East 35 m/s
D- wind from 135° 65 kts
8 - A stratus is a very dangerous cloud due to : Explication ⚠️
A- both turbulence and showers
B- its very low base
D- Clear Air Turbulence (CAT)
9 - CAVOK means : Explication ⚠️
A- broken clouds
B- locally cloudly
C- ceiling and visibility OK
D- flying is forbidden
10 - In what kind of clouds can you very often find thunderstorms and lightnings ? Explication ⚠️
A- cirrostratus
B- nimbostratus
C- cumulonimbus
D- stratus
11 - The pressure unit used in the international and aeronautical systems is : Explication ⚠️
A- the "pascal"
B- the "newton"
C- the millimeter of quicksilver
D- the isobaric
12 - On a meteorological chart, lines of equal pressures are : Explication ⚠️
A- isothinkymabobs
B- isotherms
C- isowhachamacallits
D- isobars
13 - Que signifie FL ? Explication ⚠️
A- fly low
B- follow the leader
C- flight level
D- fly level
14 - Standard atmosphere air pressure at sea level is : Explication ⚠️
A- 1013,25 hPa
B- 1000 hPa everywhere (decided by ICAO)
C- given each time by Meteo France
15 - Quel est le bon ordre avec les bons termes pour une arrivée dans le tour de piste et atterrissage ? Explication ⚠️
A- tallwind - baseleg - final
B- downwind - baseleg - final
C- high wing - baseleg - final
D- low wind - baseleg - final
16 - Quelle est la clairance de décollage correcte ? Explication ⚠️
A- Charly Fox is authorized for take-off track 22, wind 220°, 7 knots
B- Charly Fox is allowed to take off runway 22, wind 220°, 7 knots
C- Charly Fox is cleared to take off runway 22, wind 220°, 7 knots
D- Charly Fox may take off runway 22, wind 220°, 7 knots
17 - In july 1969, who did the first step on the moon ? Explication ⚠️
18 - Who was the first man in space ? Explication ⚠️
19 - Who were the first men flying in a hot balloon ? Explication ⚠️
A- the MARX brothers
B- the WRIGHT brothers
C- the MONTGOLFIER brothers
D- Pilatre de Rosier and the Marquis d'Arlande
20 - The wing of the ÉOLE (Clément ADER's plane) was looking like a : Explication ⚠️
A- bat's wing
B- falcon's wing
C- pigeon's wing
D- vulture's wing